Los Angeles Taxation Law Attorneys

At Rodi Pollock, we provide knowledgeable tax law guidance to businesses and individuals throughout Los Angeles and across Southern California. We focus on federal, state and local tax planning as an essential element in all aspects of business operations and personal planning. Our attorneys are nationally known speakers and writers on a broad spectrum of tax issues.

Strong Representation For Tax Disputes

Our Los Angeles taxation lawyers have an extensive tax controversy practice, handling tax disputes before administrative agencies and courts, including the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Tax Court, California Superior Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, the United States District Courts, the Court of Claims and the appellate courts, the County Assessment Appeals Boards, the California State Board of Equalization, and the California Franchise Tax Board.

Our attorneys routinely handle tax issues pertaining to:

What Distinguishes Us?

Our tax attorneys are experienced in applying fundamental and sophisticated strategies to tax planning. We are not ivory tower tax lawyers who possess technical knowledge but have little understanding of its application on a day-to-day basis. We achieve superior results for our clients by the practical application of our extensive tax law knowledge.

Contact A Tax Planning Lawyer Serving Malibu, Arcadia And Surrounding Areas

Whether you are seeking tax planning guidance or tax law representation anywhere in California, we are here for you. Contact us today online or by telephone at 213-550-5099 or toll free at 800-240-1305.