
If you are seeking experienced business law guidance in Los Angeles, the attorneys at Rodi Pollock are here for you. We have significant experience serving clients in a broad range of legal matters, including general business law counsel, mergers and acquisitions, employment law, business litigation, real estate law, estate planning, estate litigation and taxation. Our lawyers are experienced advocates who serve clients throughout Los Angeles and surrounding California communities.

For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers, please contact us by telephone at 213-550-5099 or toll free at 800-240-1305 or online by filling out the form provided below.

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Rodi Pollock Pettker Christian & Pramov, A Law Corporation
444 South Flower Street, Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: 213-550-5099
Toll Free: 800-240-1305
Fax: 213-895-4921
Map and Directions